
Overview: Mapal One is an easy access point to your world of work from your device anytime, anywhere. You’ll find all kinds of fantastic tools and resources to aid your learning, career development and company communication. 

Start from: the Mapal One dashboard.

On the general dashboard, you’ll see an overview of your required and recommended training, external links, appraisals, external training, etc. You can also access these specific sections by selecting them from the main menu.


This is your learning calendar, where you can view training deadlines, allowing you to efficiently manage your time to ensure you complete everything as due. You’ll see a dot marking the dates in which you have training deadlines. Use the filter icon to view your learning by date or type.


This section shows all learning content assigned to you.

Required by you

  • Select Learning > Required by you in the main menu.

In this section you can see all the mandatory training that your managers have assigned you. These must be completed within a time period, which your manager will have set. 

  • Use the progress bar above to see your progress as you work through the content.
  • Use the Filter options to find specific pieces of training based on course, due date, type or completion status.

Recommended for you

  • Select Learning > Recommended for you in the main menu.

In this section you can see all the training content assigned to you that is part of your learner journey and must be completed, but that don’t have a strict deadline. 

  • Use the Filter options to find specific pieces of training based on course, due date, type or completion status.


This section shows all training content that is part of your career development. These include appraisals, workbooks and career mapping, where you can view your company’s career paths and the training you would need to complete to work your way up to the role you aspire to.


This section shows any news items your managers have issued to you. Note: the News section will soon be called Feed for users of Engagement by Mapal.

External links

This section displays any external links to relevant learning pieces that your manager may have issued to you.


In this section you can view any noticeboard items issued to you and download your certificates from the learning items you have completed.