
Overview: As a training manager, you want to understand how collections are displayed in Mapal One, so that you can ensure they are configured correctly for learners.

Start from: The Mapal One Dashboard.


Learners can see their collection allocation in 2 sections, both displayed as a carousel/see all page:

  • Required by You
  • Recommended for you

  • For a collection to appear as Required by You, it should have at least one item in with a due date: the collection tile will show the next upcoming due date, which is the next due date out of the remaining incomplete items in the collection.
  • For a collection to appear as Recommended for You, it should contain no items with due dates. However, if an item within a collection in Recommended for You has a due date added, the collection will then move to the Required by You carousel.

Note: If a learner had existing allocations of items either in Required by You or Recommended for You and any of these items are then put into a collection, the item will no longer appear on its own in Required or Recommended, either in the carousel or the page. However, in the case of appraisals, workbooks, competences and goals, these will still appear in their respective career pages unless the collection is locked, in which case it won't appear in the career pages either. 

Note: When a learner clicks into a collection that they have been allocated, they will be able to see the items in the order that this has been set on the Management System by their manager, as well as their progress through the collection.

Learners can favourite a collection and the collection will be stored in their favourites section by selecting the favourite icon: however, this will not favourite each individual item.

There is also a collections page which sits in the menu in the learning section. This page splits collections out between Incomplete and Complete.