
Overview: Direct Work tables provide a framework for companies to express their Service Level decisions for every sales volume or transaction per half-hour. Once the workstations are configured, managers can indicate the scales of the productivity table. This table should be estimated in advance and will be configured based on the previously established work duration function.

Start From: The Workforce module.


  • Select Configuration > Direct Work from the main menu.

  • Select the arrow on the desired job position to access the productivity table. 

Note: The productivity table should be estimated beforehand and configured based on the previously established direct work duration function. 

The table displays productivity benchmarks (from - to), the number of workers needed to handle that workload, and productivity, applicable only if the direct work duration is a quarter-hour.

  • Specify a new work benchmark and the required number of workers.

  • Use the Save OR New button.

Note: You can save work templates and load them into different centers if the sales base is the same (sales, customers, tickets). If not, you're not allowed to apply the template.