
Overview: In GIR, Direct work can be configured according to the total demand for service in a business unit. In this configuration, managers can determine the specific time calculation, duration, budget, and all the key values to allocate and track work hours against the total sales or the customer traffic in a work center.

Start From: The Workforce module

  • Select Configuration > Direct Work from the main menu.

  • Select the workplace for which you want to create the direct work estimate.

  • Choose Total demand as the work calculation type.

  • Select the Worked time type:

    • Net Worked Time, displaying worked hours during a shift, excluding unpaid breaks.

    • Labor Compliance Time, showing all planned hours during a shift, including unpaid breaks.

Note: You can select the reports to be available for printing during the shift. You can also Import and export direct work tables as needed.

  • Choose the Budget type from the available options:

    • Historical data: Enables using sales history for shift estimates when the checkbox is marked.

    • Enable manual changes: Allows modifications to the selected sale.

  • Select the data source from which information will be obtained to perform the type of distribution for 1/2 hours:

    • Historical (POS).

    • Configured.

    • All

  • Select the base type for direct work configuration:

    • Sales.

    • Guests.

Note: The records in the Direct Work table are based on the number of sales or the number of customers. Consecutive numerical intervals will be configured, incrementing gradually to set up all the ranges needed.

  • Select the type of planning from the available options.


  • The Edit option adjusts the estimated number of workers for that specific interval. Note that values for 'from' and 'to' cannot be altered.

  • The Delete option removes the selected record.

  • The Delete Table icon deletes the entire direct work table defined.

  • The New option creates a new record in the direct work table.

If initiating the task of defining the direct work table, the table begins with an initial record starting at zero and ending with the value indicated by the user. From this initial estimated interval, you will need to continue creating new records.