
Overview: Registering absenteeism incidences is key to keeping all employee time-off requests and other unexpected leaves organized and up-to-date. Only users with the necessary permissions will be able to create absenteeism incidents and leaves.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Workforce Management > Absences from the main menu.

  • Select the New + icon to create a new leave or absenteeism incident. A popup window with four tabs will appear: General Data, Documentation, Comments, and History.

General Data Tab

  • Select the Work Center in the dropdown menu.

  • Select the specific Employee from all currently contracted workers in the selected Work Center.

  • Select an Incident from all incident types in the selected Work Center.

  • Select a Labour Period for the chosen Employee.

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Note: The user will be able to see all available periods if they have permission to create absenteeism incidents for active and inactive work periods. If the user only has access to create absenteeism incidents for active or inactive work periods, only those will be shown.

  • Specify the Start and End date of the absenteeism incident. For partial absenteeism incidents when the start and end dates are the same, and partiality is marked "Yes", you’ll have to specify Start and End hours.

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Note: There are additional Absenteeism Incident Characteristics switches that are only available for Its, such as Confirmed End Date, Hospitalization, Replacement, Long Duration, Renewal, and Relapse.

Documentation Tab

Users can attach documents to absenteeism incidents by selecting a document from their computer or using the drag-and-drop functionality. Each time a document is attached to an absenteeism incident (in the creation or editing of the absenteeism incident), other users with permission to view such absences will see the document number highlighted in the grid.

Note that the uploaded document will not be saved until the user selects Accept, even if it appears to be loaded. The maximum number of documents that can be uploaded per absenteeism incident is 10.

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Comments Tab

When creating or editing an absenteeism incident, users can add comments. Each time a comment is added to an absenteeism incident (in creation or editing), other users accessing the absenteeism incidents screen (and having permission to view such incidents) will see the number of comments highlighted in the grid.

History Tab

The History tab is for informational purposes only. In this tab, users will be able to see status changes in absenteeism incidences with the following information:

  • Date & Time: the date and time when the status of the absenteeism incident was changed.
  • User: the user who made the status change.
  • Status: the status in which the incident is or has been.