Overview: this article covers some of the most frequent queries we receive on external training and the training calendar. This list is updated constantly. If your question isn’t on here, please contact our Customer Support team.

Will learners receive a notification if details of the training session change?

Yes, trainees will get notifications when date / time / location changes and if the session gets cancelled.

Can I have waiting lists if the maximum capacity is reached?

Yes, check with your account manager if you have waiting lists enabled. If not, you can request this feature to be enabled.

What happens if the maximum capacity is reached?

Once the maximum capacity is reached, learners won't be able to book onto this session (this depends if the company has the waiting list functionality enabled). Capacity is measured by booked learners, as waiting list are for public sessions only. If a session if fully booked, the learner will see 0 available spaces. The learner will need to click the Join the waitlist button > confirm. They will then get a position on the waiting list and will automatically get notifications when slots become available.

Can I send reminders to learners regarding a certain training session?

Yes, reminders can be sent regarding a certain session. 
  • Navigate to Learning & Development > Training Calendar.
  • Select the relevant session and then, More details.
  • Select the Send Notification button.

 Notifications can be sent to attending learners, all learners and/or invited learners. 
  • Select the appropriate audience from the dropdown list (under To):

Do session administrators get notified when a learner confirms, declines or cancels a session?

Yes, session administrators will get an email notification in these cases.

How can I mark attendance?

As a session administrator, you can mark attendance by following this process:
  • Navigate to Learning & Development > Training Calendar.
  • Select the relevant session and then, More details.
  • Select the Mark attendance button.