
Overview: Workforce allows you to upload daily Sales and Traffic Budgets (tickets and customers) per Center through an Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded from the system with the necessary format. An uploaded budget can be used for weekly shift projections, magnitudes and KPIs comparisons in the Sales and Personnel BI, making Contracted and Effective Hours budgets, and Financial Statements budgets. 

Start from: The Analytics module. 

To upload or work on a sales budget, it is first necessary to create it and assign access permissions to it. To create the budget and assign these permissions, see Create a sales budget.  

Type of sales and periods 

You must review the Sales Types and Sales Periods Codes configured in the Center for which you wish to upload the Sales Budget. To this end: 

  • Select Configuration > POS - Configuration from the main menu. 

  • Select the Sales Types tab to view the Codes for each of the configured sales types. 

  • Select the Sales Periods tab to view the Sales Period Codes configured. 

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To find out the Sales Types and Sales Periods Codes you will need per Center, you need to access the Sales Budget. To this end: 

  • Select Sales Budgets > Budgets from the main menu. 

  • Select the Center for which you want to review the Codes. 

  • Click on the % button  to make the distribution in percentages. 

Notes: Select Update in case the Percentage Distribution button is not available. 

  • In the following screen you will be able to see the Sales Types and Periods configured in the Center. 

  • Select only one Type and Period of Sale and then use the Codes in the import Excel.  

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Download Excel import template 

  • On the Budgets screen, click the Download Import Template button (the Excel icon). 

  • A confirmation pop-up window will appear. Select Accept to download OR Cancel to discard. 

Fill in the center's budget template 

  • Fill in the dates consecutively with the days you need (days, weeks, months or the year). 

Notes: As a restriction, you will find that there cannot be dates with different years. 

  • As data source, select 1 for POS (Point of Sale) or 2 for Cashier. In case you have configured the Cash Sheet, you must upload the two types of sales in duplicate. 

  • As Type and Period of Sale, the ones you have previously reviewed. 

  • Set Net Sales per day (excluding VAT) (must be greater than or equal to 0) 

  • Sets Customers per day (whole number greater than or equal to 0). 

  • Set Tickets per day (whole number greater than or equal to 0). 

Import center budget template 

  • In the Budgets screen, select the Center from which you want to upload the Sales Budget. 

  • Select the budget you are going to upload, as there may be several budgets per Center. 

  • Select Import

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  • Select Select File to choose the Excel file containing the budget. 

  • Select Import to upload the budget OR Cancel to discard the process. 

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