Overview: The Local Overview screen is designed to provide a snapshot of key compliance metrics and tasks that need attention. This screen allows managers to quickly access information about open deviations, compliance scores, Daily Schedule, forms, and updates, ensuring that all compliance-related tasks are efficiently managed and up-to-date.
Start from: the Compliance overview page.
  • Select Overview from the main menu.

Open deviations

The Open deviations section displays any deviations from expected compliance standards that are currently open and assigned to the user. Managers can filter deviations by severity—High, Medium, or Low—to prioritise tasks based on their impact. Selecting a deviation will provide further details and options for resolution.

Compliance score

The Compliance score shows the overall compliance performance of the business unit over the past seven days. This score is calculated based on the completion and accuracy of compliance tasks and helps managers gauge the unit's adherence to set standards. A lower score indicates areas needing improvement.

Within this panel, you can see the percentage of completed tasks for the last 7 days (by default). Select the Previous 7 days dropdown to view the Compliance score for a different time period.

Daily Schedule

The Daily Schedule panel outlines the tasks and activities planned for the day. It includes a progress bar that shows the completion rate of the day’s tasks and highlights any that have deviations. Managers can use this section to ensure all scheduled tasks are completed, and address any compliance issues as they arise.


The Forms section lists all forms currently in progress or with open deviations. Managers can review and manage these forms, ensuring all necessary actions are taken to maintain compliance. Expanding a form entry will show more details and actions that can be performed.


The Updates area is divided into two tabs: Communications and Procedures. The Communications tab shows important messages and announcements that require acknowledgment, while the Procedures tab provides access to procedural documents relevant to the local unit. Managers can review and acknowledge updates to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest information and protocols.