
Note: any action that can be performed on the application is subject to a right. If you are unable to carry out the recommended actions in the articles you are viewing, it might indicate that the required permissions are not enabled for your user profile. Reach out to the Support team or your administrator for further information.

Overview: as a restaurant manager, you want to create a user account on a site to facilitate the integration of team members and access to the system. This guide will guide you through this process.

Create a user account through Mapal OS

For users on Mapal OS, your user accounts should now be managed on the Mapal OS dashboard. You can find out more at Add a new user in Mapal OS.

Note: if you're not sure whether you are on Mapal OS, contact your line manager or Mapal support.


Creating a user account via Easilys site settings

Start from: the Easilys menu

Note: it is recommended to create a user account for each individual who may access the application and to avoid creating shared accounts like "KITCHEN" as much as possible. Some features display the name of the account responsible for a particular action. As an example, the order confirmation includes the name of the individual placing the order.

  • Select the small camera icon or your avatar and select Paramètres du site (Site's parameters).

You are directly redirected to the "Informations" (Information) tab of the site settings.
  • Select the Utilisateurs (Users) tab.

Only user accounts with profiles having identical or more restricted rights will appear in the list. If a profile has rights that are more limited than yours but includes authorization for an action not activated in your profile, it will be excluded from the list.

Create a user account

  • Select Créer un utilisateur (Create a user) and fill in the requested information. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory.

Edit an existing user account

  • Select the orange pencil next to the account you want to edit.

Permanently delete a user account

  • Select the red cross next to the account you want to delete.