
Overview: As a store manager, you need to check the status of completed forms, to ensure all tasks are completed and compliant.

Start from: The Overview page on the Compliance Dashboard.


  • Select Forms.
  • Choose a form from the main list or use the filter icon for more control

Note: Using the filter, it is possible to filter by multiple forms and compare these results across different time periods. Using these filtering options, you can select multiple scenarios to see data across different areas of your business.

  • Choose a period of time by selecting preset periods (today, previous 7/30 days, a year back etc.).

  •  OR Choose a specific range of dates in the calendar and select Accept.

  • Select a location to see the status of the filled in forms and the open deviations.

Note: within a revision (a completed form on local level) you can filter on the status of the deviations to see fixed ones or ones with comments or attachments.


From central level, you can also export to excel. Here are several options:

  • Export overview: the same as on the page.
  • Export forms: all forms completed (without answers/registrations) 
  • Export registrations: more detailed as it includes all answers/registrations 
  • Export registrations: more detailed as it includes all answers/registrations from all completed forms of the kind you chose). 


  • Select Reports in the Main Menu

There, you will have an overview of recent forms and will be able to sort them out (location, form, date).