
Overview: GIR allows users to create sales budgets based on another site's sales references for a specific year so that the work center can optimize its projection, strategy, and financial management for the new period.

Start from: The Analytics module.

  • Select Sales Budget > Budgets from the main menu.
Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
  • Select the Center for which you want to create a new budget.
  • Select the specific budget to be configured in the Budget dropdown.
  • Select the Year of the budget.
  • Select the Traffic set for the budget. It can be Tickets or Customers.
  • Select the Type of Sale considered for this budget. All types previously configured in the center's POS will be displayed. 
  • Select the Sale Type Group and Sale Type Subgroup.
  • Select the Sales Period. All periods previously configured in the center's POS will be displayed.
  • Click on the % button to make the distribution in percentages.

Notes: Select Update in case the Percentage Distribution button is not available.

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  • In the following screen you will be able to see the Sales Types and Periods configured in the Center. Establish the percentages as appropriate, bearing in mind that the total sum of all percentages cannot exceed 100%.
  • Press Accept to save the set percentages.
  • Back on the Sales Budget screen, under Data Source, select whether you want the data to be extracted from the POS or a Cash Sheet.
  • Set whether you want to use the Comparable or Real Method.
  • Select the center and reference year for the budget. You can select as a reference a previous year in the same center or a different center.
  • Select the Update button to load the information and save the budget according to the parameters you have selected.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente