
Overview: it is important to keep track of tasks to ensure that stores are compliant, and standards are kept high. This can be done on several levels: by viewing the percentage of tasks completed in time (Compliance score), by viewing a list of all tasks, and by checking specific tasks to see its compliance over specific time periods. There are two ways to track unanswered tasks in Compliance; via the Overview page and via the Compliance history page (described in this article). See Track unanswered tasks via the Compliance Overview page for more information on tracking tasks in this way.

Start from: the Compliance overview page.

  • Select Compliance history from the main menu.
  • Select Areas/Checklists.

You’ll be able to see a list of all registrations per week divided by Area/Checklist. The number of answered or unanswered tasks and a percentage per area is shown next to each Area/Checklist.

  • Select the time period on the table header to view this list for a different date range.
  • Select each Area/Checklist OR See more to view more details about the compliance history for this Area/Checklist. For example:
    • All tasks per day answered in that area 
    • Completed tasks  
    • Unanswered tasks  
    • Deviation 
    • Ad-hoc deviations 
  • Select the date range dropdown to view this information for a different time period.

You can also view the same information for modules (select Compliance history > Modules from the main menu). Please note that further details are only available for the waste module.