
​​Notes: actions performed on the Easilys platform are subject to user access permissions. If you are unable to carry out the actions described in the articles, it may be because you do not have the necessary permissions activated on your user profile. Contact the Support team, or your administrator, for help.

Overview: As a restaurant manager, you can define your purchasing preferences for order preparation, and create a Smart Selection rule for efficient procurement. This guide takes you through the process. 

Start from: The Easilys menu. 

When preparing a menu on Easilys, the application suggests supplier products corresponding to the ingredients listed in the recipes. 

These supplier products are, by default, the cheapest supplier products. But it's quite possible that you'd like to use a higher range for a particular ingredient, or that you'd like to give preference to BIO. 

Smart Selection rules then allow you to tell Easilys your preferences. 

Thanks to them, you can tell Easilys to give you preference to BIO-labeled supplier products for your Taste Week menu, for example. 

Creating a Smart Selection rule 

  • Select Menus > Smart Selection from the main menu. 

A screenshot of a chat<br><br>Description automatically generated 

  • Select Create

The "Create a Smart Selection rule" window then appears. 

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  • Fill in the information to create the rule. 

Details of information required to create a rule 

  • Name: Enter the name of the rule here. 
  • Rule active starting from: ... to: Specify here the period during which you want the rule to be effective. It is possible to leave the date blank to let Easilys know that the rule will always remain in force. 
  • with a priority of: Indicate here the priority level of the rule. This enables Easilys to specify which rule should take precedence over another in the event of multiple rules potentially relating to the same criteria. 

Example: One rule asks Easilys to give priority to frozen products for the "SEAFOOD PRODUCTS" ingredient family, and another rule asks Easilys to give priority to fresh products for the "HAKE FILLET" ingredient family.

These two rules conflict. 
The "HAKE FILLET" rule will be given priority 1, so the "SEAFOOD PRODUCTS" rule will apply EXCEPT when proposing a supplier item corresponding to the "HAKE FILLET" ingredient. 
So we'll have frozen products on offer EXCEPT for the "HAKE FILLET", which will be fresh. 

  • for: Indicate where the rule is to be applied. The rule can apply only to the site on which it is created (My site - Mon site) and its child sites (My site and my child sites - Mon site et mes enfants). It can be applied only to the child sites of the site on which it is created (Only my child sites - Mes sites enfants uniquement). And it can be applied to a list of specifically selected sites (Selected sites - Sites sélectionnés). 

If you select "Selected sites", the "Sites" application criteria will appear in the next section "... which will apply to...", allowing you to add the sites to which the rule is to be applied.

  • ... which will apply to...: Indicate here which elements you wish to apply the rule to by selecting +Add next to each element (Menu frames, Credits, etc.). Here you can add several preferences per element. 
  • ... according to these preferences...: Indicate here which preferences Easilys should give priority to for each item (Suppliers, Products, etc.) by selecting+Add. Here you can add several preferences per element. 
  • Select Create to validate rule creation. 

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