
​​Notes: actions performed on the Easilys platform are subject to user access permissions. If you are unable to carry out the actions described in the articles, it may be because you do not have the necessary permissions activated on your user profile. Contact the Support team, or your administrator, for help.

Overview: As a restaurant manager, you can create a Smart Catalogue rule to prevent certain sites from ordering products that are theoretically unavailable to them. This secures your procurement process. This guide takes you through the process. 

Start from: The Easilys menu. 

Smart Catalogue rules are used to manage the products that can or cannot be ordered by sites. They must be created on the site that owns the price lists. 

The rules are passed on to the child sites. It is therefore possible to create these rules on the root site so that they apply to all sites, or on a parent site so that they apply only to its own child sites. 

Create a Smart Catalogue rule 

  • Go to the root or parent site where the price lists are created. 

A screenshot of a chat<br><br>Description automatically generated 

  • Select Products > Smart Catalogue from the main menu. 


  • Select + Create

The "Create" window appears on the screen. 

  • Fill in the information on the screen.

Details of information required to create a rule 

  • Label: Name the rule here. 
  • Active from ... to ...: Change the validity start date here if required, which defaults to the current date. Then add an expiry date if necessary.   
  • Concerning: Select here + Add to add a tag to specify which sites the rule should apply to. Adding tags is essential. 

Notes: don't forget to add this same tag to the child sites affected by the tag.

  • Inclusion: Indicate here which criteria you wish to include in this rule by selecting+Add next to each item (Products, Product families, etc.). Here you can add multiple criteria per item.
  • Exclusion: Indicate here which criteria you wish to exclude from this rule by selecting +Add next to each item (Products, Product families, etc.). Here you can add multiple criteria per item. 
  • Then select Create to create the rule. 


Modifying a Smart Catalogue rule 

  • On the Smart Catalogue page, select the rule to be modified. 

  • Select Update to modify the selected rule. 


The "Update smart catalogue rule" window appears. 

  • Make any necessary changes. 

  • Select Update to update the modified information and close the window. 


Activate/deactivate a Smart Catalogue rule 

  • Select the on/off switch to activate or deactivate a rule. The status of the rule is then modified in the "Rule details" window. 


Simulate a Smart Catalogue rule 

  • On the Smart Catalogue page, select the rule to be simulated. 

  • Select Simulate


The "Result of the rule's simulation: [Rule name]" window appears. 

Authorized products for the site are displayed in green, and prohibited products in red. 


Check if other rules conflict with a Smart Catalogue rule 

  • On the Smart Catalogue page, select the rule you wish to check. 

  • Select View conflicts


The "Result of the rule's simulation: [Rule name]" window appears. 


Delete a Smart Catalogue rule 

  • On the Smart Catalogue page, select the rule to be deleted. 

  • Select the trash can icon to delete the selected rule. 

The "Delete: [Rule name]" window appears. 


  • Select Remove to confirm deletion.