
Overview: GIR allows users to view detailed information about personnel through the analytics module. The Analytics tool allows users to visualize data and graphs of different types of personnel analysis, magnitudes, scenarios, and times.

Start from: The Analytics module.

  • Select Workforce from the main menu.

View information

  • On this screen, you will see two tabs:

    • Data: In this tab, you will be able to see the personnel data broken down into tables, depending on the parameter you have set.

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  • Charts: In this tab, you can see the selected parameter represented by charts. The Analysis and KPIs will vary according to the established parameter. You can select the chart of your choice from the available options.

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  • Select Parameters in the Workforce Analytics screen.

  • A sidebar will be displayed with different fields to select:

    • Analysis: This is the specific variable you want to visualize. You can choose from the following options:

      • Staffing & Turnover

      • Work & Productivity

      • Absenteeism & Punctuality

      • Absences

      • Labour Compliance

      • Contracted Time

      • Cost of labour

Depending on the analysis parameter you choose, you can set additional KPIs that will help you refine the visualization and build the analytics you want, such as magnitudes, time, scenarios, among others.

    • Period: Set the time period you want to display in the analytics, as well as whether you want to include holidays, eves, events, weather factors, among others. 

    • Other: Sets additional parameters for analytics sorting, such as the Data source, currency, and others. 

  • Select Accept to save the selected parameters OR Cancel to discard them.

Filtering options

  • In the Workforce Analytics screen, you will see additional options that will make it easier for you to sort the data:

    • Filter by Business Unit: In this tool, you can select the center(s) you wish to display in the analytics and set levels to facilitate the search for the specific centers you need.

  • Employees Filter: This tool allows you to set specific parameters to view a specific employee or employee group in the analytics according to their age, seniority, gender, nationality, categories, contracts, among others.

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  • Group: This tool allows you to set the parameters that will be used to group the data to be displayed, either by concepts, companies, states, countries, currencies, or provinces, among others. This grouping is the one that will be displayed later under View.

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