
Overview: The qualification of workstations by star rating has great importance in the subsequent shift configuration and allows a more accurate projection during the shift optimization process.

A workstation in Workforce is the position or positions that a worker may occupy in a Shift or ROTA.

Each job position requires certain competencies, specific skills, and, in some cases, some prior academic preparation. For a worker to be considered qualified to perform a particular job, these aspects are taken into account and qualified.

For all those Centers whose Direct Work table is configured by "Demand by Workstations", Workforce will allow an employee's performance evaluation by workstation through a progressive "star" rating, ranging from 0.5 to 5 stars, being the lowest and highest qualification respectively.

This configuration will be made in the planning of weekly shifts and will help in the optimization process, since, by doing so, shifts will be projected to the most qualified employees in the Work Center during peak hours of traffic and sales in the Work Centers.
To learn how to perform shift optimization after employee qualification, see Configure shift optimization.

If you want to learn about the different shift optimization parameters, see Understand the types of optimization.