
Overview: Reputation provides venue managers access to a comprehensive scoring analysis tool that allows them to identify areas of improvement, strengths, and weaknesses in their service delivery.

Start from: The Reputation module.

  • Select Score from the main menu.

Like the dashboard, the Scoring section shows the score out of 10, the variation from the previous year, and the difference in relation to the benchmark. 
Logotipo<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja

This feature allows you to filter by er and choose parameters such as the aspects evaluated and source. In this screen, you can configure aspects such as:

  1. View: offers the same options as in the main dashboard (general, by center, by aspect evaluated, by source, etc.) 

  2. Period: select either a predetermined or choose one manually 

  3. Frequency of time: choose if you want to see the results in weeks, months, or per quarter. 

  4. Benchmark: select all centers or a previously created group. 

After the parametrization is completed, you can see the different scoring indicators this feature offers you, based on your preferences.


Imagen que contiene Gráfico<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

The score graph shows the total score, the variation versus last year, and versus the previous period


Gráfico, Gráfico de barras<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 
Consistency shows you the variation between negative and positive reviews. Ideally, it should be kept high, which means you maintain positive reviews overall. 


Imagen que contiene Gráfico<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

The benchmark information is similar in appearance to that in the score graph, except that it shows the difference between the selected benchmark and the total score

Score - Evolution vs. previous year
Imagen que contiene Gráfico de líneas<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

The Score - Evolution vs. previous year graph, shows how the average score has evolved over the year (blue) compared to the previous year (grey). You can also see a specific score for any month by selecting it on the corresponding part of the graph.  

Score - % variation vs. previous year

Escala de tiempo<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

The Score - % variation vs. previous year graph shows how the average score variation has evolved over the year compared to the previous year (bars) and the cumulative variation. Again, you can see scores for specific months by selecting a specific month.

Score - Evolution vs Benchmark

Gráfico, Gráfico de líneas<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

The Score - Evolution vs Benchmark graph shows how the average score has evolved over the year (blue) compared to the selected benchmark (orange)

Score - Consistency

Imagen que contiene Escala de tiempo<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente 

The Score - Consistency graph shows the variation between negative and positive reviews by month