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Overview: as a restaurant manager, you may want to enter or remove products from stock according to different types of packaging. This guide takes you through the process.

Start from: the Easilys menu.

This function allows you to enter or remove products from stock according to the storage unit defined in the supplier product sheet, or according to different packing types. This means, for example, that you can enter 1 carton in stock, rather than 100 units. Easilys converts the units to give you the converted stock total in the product's storage unit. This also allows you to view the stock of a given product in one of its packages rather than in its storage unit.

Define product packaging types

  • Select Products > Products administration - V2 from the main menu.


  • Select a product (not a supplier product).

The Product sheet will appear on the screen.

  • Select Modify.
  • Scroll down to the Logistics section.
  • Select + in the Packing section to add a packing type.
  • Add a packing code.
  • Select Save.

  • Select a supplier of this product.

The Supplier item sheet will appear on screen.

  • Select Modify.
  • Scroll down to the Stock section.
  • Enter a conversion for each type of packaging you have set up or wish to be able to use for the supplier product in the Conversion of storage units section. If all conversions are set, the message All storage units are configured will appear on the screen.

  • Select Save.
  • Repeat these steps for all the products and supplier products for which you'd like to have packing types for storage.

Carry out a stock movement according to a chosen packaging

  • Select Stock > Stock (v2) from the main menu and create a stock entry or exit manually.
  • Indicate the quantity according to a different packing than the storage unit.
  • Select Validate to confirm this action.

Note: enter the quantity, then select the outside of the frame. You'll see that conversion is automatic for all different units.

Display the value of the product in stock according to the chosen packaging

  • Select Stock > Stock (v2) from the main menu, then the Stock movements tab.
  • Select the three dots next to a product.
  • Select Display in another package.

The Display in another package pop-up window will appear. You'll then see the equivalent quantity in each of the product's packages.
If you want this product to be temporarily displayed in the stock list as a package rather than in the storage unit, select the desired package and then, Save.

  • Close the window. The total is now displayed according to packaging.

Note: this information is only displayed at the time of selection. This choice is not saved, so the total will be displayed again according to the storage unit if the Stock page is reloaded.