
Overview: Reputation allows venue managers to create reports to analyze performance metrics across different aspects of their service and make informed decisions to improve their venue's operations.

Start from: The Reputation module.

Reports creation in Reputation involves a series of steps and procedures that should be considered to properly create and visualize information.

Create a distribution list

Before creating a report in Reputation, venue managers must set up distribution lists. These are specific databases with the email addresses of those users who will be receiving and viewing the reports.

To create an email list:

  • Navigate to Configuration > Email lists.

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  • You will see a grid with details of all configured distribution lists, including the number of email addresses included in each of the distribution lists.

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  • Select the New + icon to create a new distribution list.

  • Assign a name and check all users that should be included in such distribution list.

Notes: A distribution list can be edited by selecting the corresponding row in the grid and removed by selecting the trash icon displayed when hovering over the row.

Create reports

Once you have distribution lists created, you will be able to create a report and assign it to such distribution list.

To display Reports configuration:

  • Navigate to Configuration > Reports.

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  • Reports grid displays the following columns:

    • Report name: Assigned name on Report creation/last edition.

    • Frequency: Frequency in which the report is sent to configured distribution list.

    • Benchmark group: Selected benchmark group.

    • Distribution list: List of users that will be receiving such report.

    • Enabled: Whether the report is enabled or not. If disabled, no user will be receiving the report.

  • Select the New + icon to generate a new report.

  • A New Report popup window will open displaying the following fields:

General data tab

  • Title of the report

  • Benchmark group (benchmark groups are configured in Reputation/Configuration/Benchmark Groups)

  • Frequency to choose to send the report in a daily, weekly, monthly or three-monthly basis

  • Distribution list

  • Modules to enable

    • NPS

    • Visibility

    • View by source

    • View by aspect evaluated

    • Top 5 units

    • Bottom 5 units

    • Reviews

    • Score

    • CSAT

    • View by unit

    • View by concept of Reputation unit

  • Switch to choose whether the notifications for such report are enabled or not.

Business units tab

  • Select the Business Units you would like to visualize in the Report you are generating.

Once the report is created and enabled, an email with a link to the report will be sent, in the specified frequency, and to all users included in the selected distribution list.

Logs Screen

You can access a full history of all the reports that have been generated in Reputation through the logs screen.

To access this screen:

  • Select the Logs icon from the Reports screen.

  • This screen displays a grid with the following information:

    • Data and time a report was sent.

    • Report name.

    • Email address it was sent to.

    • Last time that a specific report sent to a particular email address was viewed.

Notes: Sent emails contain a link with a token that allows you to identify that the report was accessed from that specific link. This is why it is recommended to add someone to a distribution list rather than sharing received link.

Logs can be filtered and exported into a csv file. Exported csv file will contain filtered data in the grid.

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