
Overview: To quickly and accurately view and begin assigning shifts to employees, managers need to know how to easily access the scheduler. 

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > NEW Scheduler MVP from the main menu.

When you enter this screen, you will immediately see the Parameters panel, where you must specify the criteria you will use to display the scheduler and, subsequently, to schedule shifts. Here you can configure three specific parameters:


The Period field determines the time range you will see on the screen. To configure it:

  • Set the start and end date for the period you wish to view. Please note that the period refers to business days.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

Notes: You can select a maximum period of 365 days. The Scheduler is not limited to the current week, month or year; you can select any period.


The Perimeter field sets the work centers that you will see on the screen for scheduling shifts. To configure it:

  • Flip the switch to change between Business Unit (a single facility) and Business Units Group (a grouping of facilities).

  • If you select Business Unit, you must select the specific unit from the list of all the plants to which you have access.

Patrón de fondo<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

  • If you select Business Units Group, indicate the type of grouping in the first field and the specific grouping in the second field.

Teams<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja

Notes: If you wish to view a group of centers, you must have permission for all the centers that make up the group. To view a group of sites, all sites in the group must have the same business hours.


In analysis, you can define how you want to see the shifts on the screen. To configure it:

  • Set the Shifts Type you wish to view. You can select Preliminary Shifts, Final Shifts, or Preliminary and Final Shifts.

  • Set the Scenario to display. You can select between current and projected shifts.

Patrón de fondo<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

Once the parameters have been set, select Accept to save and display the screen according to the set criteria.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

Notes: If you select Cancel, the Parameters panel will be closed and the scheduler will appear completely empty. However, you can access the panel again by selecting the Parameters button.

Texto<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media


FAQs about the Scheduler’s Parameters 

Do I have to exit the Scheduler to select the parameter values? 

No, once you access the Scheduler, the panel is always available, allowing you to change the period of time, the business unit, the scenario, or the type of shift at any time. The Scheduler will upload the new information based on the selected parameters. 

How much time can I plan? 

Up to a year, but keep in mind that the longer the period, the longer it takes to load all the data. 

How far in the future can I plan? 

The sky is the limit, but you must ensure that the business unit you want to plan so far ahead has the business hours properly set. 

How much time in the past can I upload for consultation? 

Up to five years. 

I have access to only my business unit. Can I plan for a group of business units? 

No, only users with access to several business units will have the ability to select a group of business units. 

Can I select any type of group of business units? 

No, there are already several types of groups to choose from. However, there is one type of group, Clusters, which can be used to create customized groups of business units from the ones the user can manage. 

What is the difference between Projected and Projected + Real? 

Projected loads only the projected shifts and can be edited, whether they are future projected shifts or past ones (in the future there will be a limitation on how far back a shift can be edited). 

Projected + Real includes projected shifts from today onwards and clock-ins in read mode from yesterday backwards. 

What is a generic position? 

A generic position is a vacancy for which you have not yet completed the hiring process, although you already know that the position will be filled and when. 

A generic position includes all the necessary information such as type of contract, position, weekly hours, and category. The only thing missing is the name of the employee who is going to occupy the position. 

Generic positions are useful because they help you plan employee shifts in the future, even when the hiring process has not yet finished.