
Overview: Analytics allows users to navigate through data using levels and views so they can drill down and improve visibility into the data they need.

Start from: The Analytics module.

  • Select a module of your choice from the main menu. In this case, we will use Sales.


  • At the top of the screen, select the three dots button to display a view selector.

The default view is Global, which shows all parameterized data. However, you can sort the view by Net Sales, Checks, and Net Average Checks. 


In the Business Units selector, you can classify the visibility of the selected business units by level.

  • You can view the data of a single company (Concept), the data of a company in a specific country (Concept > Country), the data of a company in a region (Concept > Country > Region), and the data of each of the business units in that location(Concept > Country > Province > Business Units).

To learn how to configure this level group, see Create and manage groups in Analytics.

  • In the data table, you will see a series of headings that also allow you to classify the information by levels.

  • Once you select a level, you can go back to the previous level by selecting the Previous Level button <.

  • You can also go up or down levels by selecting the Magnifying Glass icon. The magnifying glass with the - sign means Level up, while the magnifying glass with the + sign means Level down.

Data search

  • Select the Magnifying Glass icon in the table header. A text box with the word Filter will open.

  • Type the name of the data to be searched.


  • Locate the blue arrow in the header of the first column of the table and click on it. The arrow up indicates ascending order, while the arrow down indicates descending order.