
Overview: Analytics allows its users to facilitate the search for specific data by using a tree selector that allows them to classify information by specific business units or departments.  

Start from: The Analytics module.  

The business unit tree selector tool appears recurrently in Analytics, as it is available in all data analysis modules (Sales, Product Mix, Cashrec, Workforce, etc.) to help the user facilitate data filtering.    

To find the tree:  

  • Select Filter by Center


  • In Filter by Center, the tree selector will open, which has two tabs: 

Selection of Units  

In this tab, you can select business units one by one or use the levels to group them under specific parameters.  


  • Use the levels to narrow down the search to specific criteria. The parameters that you will be able to use will be: 

    • Opening 

    • Concept 

    • Postcode 

    • Company 

    • Status 

    • Structure 

    • City 

    • Currency 

    • Business 

    • Country 

    • Ownership 

    • Region 

    • Pre-created filters or custom groups 

Notes: By default, you will find three levels. However, you can add or remove levels depending on the number of criteria you require to classify a group of business units.  

  • Mark one by one the boxes of the units to be displayed OR press Mark all to mass select the group of units you have filtered by levels.  


  • Once you have selected the business units, click on Filter to see the result of your selection on the screen. 

Notes: You can use the Save As button to assign a name and save the business unit filter you have created so that you can use it later.  


Advanced Filter 

The Advanced Filter option allows you to make a more exhaustive grouping based on particular conditions that a business unit must or must not meet to be shown in the selection.  


  • Select Add condition to add as many conditions as necessary.  

  • In Field, select the parameter by which you want to filter. In this dropdown, you will see the same options as in the Level dropdown, in the Selection of Units screen.  

  • Select the Condition you will use. The conditions may be:  

    • Equals 

    • Does not equal 

    • Begins with 

    • Does not begin with 

    • Ends with 

    • Does not end with 

    • Contains 

    • Does not contain 

  • In the Value field, specify the specific value to be searched for by the condition you have set.  

  • You can group or ungroup conditions by selecting their checkboxes and pressing Group or Ungroup, as appropriate.  


  • You can reset the conditions to zero by pressing Restore Filter.  

  • To delete one of the conditions you have set, select Delete next to each condition OR you can use the Reset Filter button to delete them all. 


  • Once you have set all the conditions, select Filter and return to the main screen to see the result of the selection. 

Notes: You can use the Save As button to assign a name and save the business unit filter you have created so that you can use it later.