
Overview: Mapal One allows workers to view their learning resources in Collections so that they can easily access grouped content tailored to their ongoing professional development.  

Start from: The Mapal One dashboard. 

  • Select Learning > Collections from the main menu.  


  • Once in the Collections page, you will be able to see collections in two specific sets: 

    • Required by You: Collections with due dates already assigned to you. 

    • Recommended for You: Collections without due dates, not required, but they are additional learning opportunities. 


  • In this screen, each tile represents a learning item. Select the specific tile for the learning item you want to explore to see its details and make progress.  


  • Back on the main Collections page, you can use the Filters to locate specific collections easily. You can filter by: 

    • Specific Course

    • By Due Dates

    • By Type of Learning (online modules, competencies, external training, Workbooks, etc.). 

    • By Status.  


  • You can also view a summary bar in your Collections page, where you will be able to track:  

    • Your Progress through the collections, providing transparency and motivation. 

    • The Status of the collection, indicating if it’s not yet started, complete, incomplete, or overdue.   


  • If the items in the collection have due dates assigned, you will be able to see them by accessing the Schedule on the main menu.