
Overview: Mapal One enables users to set personal performance goals, also known as Key Performance Objectives (KPOs). Establishing performance goals helps businesses grow, develop their employees, and, in many cases, tie goal achievement to performance-related bonuses or promotions. 

Start from: The Mapal One dashboard.  

  • Select Career > Goals from the main menu.  


The Goals screen displays all the goals for the employee. The goals could be in one of four states: Complete, Incomplete, Overdue, or Awaiting Sign Off.  


  • Select a Goal card to open the details for that specific goal.  


  • On this screen, you will be able to: 

    • See goal description and details

    • See guidance documents assigned to that goal. 

    • Add, edit, remove, reorder, and review objectives and tasks. 

    • See the progress towards reaching the goal.  

  • Once the objectives and tasks are adjusted as needed, select Save progress to update the changes or Lock progress to lock your goal progress.  

  • Once locked, you will be able to track your progress through periodic Check-Ins. Progress is updated and locked, giving an overall progress percentage

Understanding Goal structures 

Goals in Mapal One are based on various structures that need to be understood in order to be used properly:  

  • Templates: These are the base that outline the structure and setup of goals to match company requirements.  

Notes: Only admin-level users create these templates, which can be customized by end-users or contain pre-set company objectives and tasks. 

  • Documents: Instances of the Goal Template assigned to learners for completion. Learners personalize these documents with specific objectives and tasks. 

  • Objectives: Specific goals aimed at achieving broader performance targets. 

  • Tasks: Activities designed to help users meet their objectives. An iobjective can contain multiple tasks.  

  • Weighting: Percentage values assigned to objectives and tasks, indicating their importance. This helps prioritize tasks based on their relative significance. 

  • Check-Ins: Sections in the Goal Document for capturing progress updates. Some goals are configured with a set number of Check-Ins (e.g., quarterly) to track progress over time. 

  • Check-In Values: Company-level progress indicators (e.g., "Not yet started = 0%", "Started = 25%"). This is used by learners to track progress on tasks and objectives.