
Overview: Reputation allows venue managers to manage steps so that they can create a structured and efficient survey process. Each Step represents a single unit of a survey, which can include questions, messages, images, or other interactive elements. These steps are cross-cutting so that they can be used in all surveys where needed. 

Start from: The Reputation dashboard. 

  • Select Configuration > On site from the main menu.  


  • Select Steps


  • In the Steps screen, you will be able to see all the previously created steps and their details. Here, you can also:  

    • Create new steps 

    • Manage tags 

    • Edit steps 

    • Delete steps  

Create new steps 

  • Select + New.  


  • Assign an Internal title. This will only be visible on the platform, not to clients in the survey execution.  

  • Use the Widget type dropdown to select a question type. Question types can be:  

    • Rating: Collect scores using smiley faces or numeric values. Configurable with either 3 or 5 smiley faces, or numeric scales ranging from 0 to 10.

  • NPS (Net promote Score): Measure customer loyalty by capturing NPS results. This step can be included only once per survey to maintain metric integrity.

  • Simple Option: Allow respondents to choose from multiple options and create branching paths based on their selection. Options can be enhanced with images. 

  • Picture: Include images in the survey, with options to add headers and footers for additional context. 

  • Personalized message: Display custom messages based on the text input. 

  • Select what will be the Transition to the next step. Transitions define how respondents move from one step to the next, and they can be:  

    • Button: Adds a button for moving to the next step. You can customize the text of the button. 

    • Timer: Automatically advances after a specified time, with options for immediate or delayed transition. 

    • Timer + Skip: Includes a timer and a "Skip" button that appears after a set time, allowing respondents to move to the next step faster if needed. 

  • Once you complete this setup, select Accept to save the new step.  

Manage tags 

You can attach tags to steps for categorization and filtering. This is particularly useful for grouping steps by category, such as “menu” or “service.” 

To configure tags:  

  • Select Manage tags. This will open a sidebar.  


  • Write the name of your new tag in the text field and press +


  • Select Edit to rename your tags.  


  • Select Delete to remove your tags.  


Edit steps 

  • Select the specific step you want to edit.  

  • Select the Edit button. 


  • Make the required changes. You can change the internal title, the question type, the question, and the tags.  

Notes: If you selected the Button transition, you can change the text of the button; however, you can't change the transition originally assigned to the step. If you need to change the transition, delete the step and create a new one.  

  • Select Accept to save your changes OR Cancel to discard them. 

Delete steps 

  • Select the specific step you want to remove.  

  • Select the Delete button. 


  • A confirmation message will appear. Select Accept to confirm deletion OR Cancel to go back.