Overview: The Flow Learning System allows training manager to view assigned content by learner so that they can monitor individual learning progress and identify gaps.
Start from: The Flow Learning Dashboard.
- Select Company > Learners from the main menu.
- Select a Learner from the learners list. You can use the Search tool or Filter to make your search easier.
- In the Learner’s profile, you’ll see a side panel with all the content types available.
- Select a content type (e.g. Modules).
- A grid will appear with all the modules assigned to the learner. Here, you will also be able to see:
- The status of the content
- Allocation date
- Due date
- Completed date
- Fails
- Who assigned the content
Notes: You can use the Search tool or Filter to find specific contents within the grid.
Viewing module results
- From the Modules tab, select the ... and View details.
- The Sitting Information screen provides detailed insights, including:
- Start and End Dates: Displays when the learner began and completed the module.
- Duration: Indicates how much time the learner spent on the module.
Notes: For legacy modules, exam answers may still be available for review. Most modern modules no longer support the reporting of exam answers.
You can export the Sitting Information to a PDF by selecting the Print button at the top of the window.
Tracking voided modules
Flow Learning now includes an Audit Log in the Learner Profile, helping managers track when and by whom modules were voided.
To view the Audit Log:
- Select a Learner to open its profile.
- Scroll down to Audit Log.
- If a module has been removed, details such as the date of removal and who voided the module will appear in the log.
- If a module is deleted due to a manual job title change, the log will indicate that the deletion was performed by System.
Note: The Audit Log will only display information if voided modules exist in the learner's history.