
Overview: Flow allows training managers to manage branches so that they can ensure their teams are being assigned the correct resources that are relevant to their branch.

Start from: The Flow Learning dashboard.

  • Navigate to Company > Company Structure.

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Add a branch

  • Once in Company Structure, select View on Branches.
  • Select Add +.
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  • A popup window will open. Fill in the information for your new branch, such as the name, location, address, jurisdiction, branding, language, etc.
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  • Select Save. Your new branch will now appear on the list.

Edit a branch

  • Once in Company Structure, select View on Branches.
  • Select the three dots button in the specific branch you wish to edit.
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  • A popup window will open with all the information about your branch.  Fill in the fields or edit the existing content as required.
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  • Select Save to update your branch’s information.  

Import branches

  • Once in Company Structure, select Settings on Import Branches.
  • The Import Branch popup window will appear.
  • Select Upload File to upload a CSV file with information on your branches. 
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  • Select Test feed to test the validity of the data in the CSV file before uploading.
Note: CSV is the only admitted format. Selecting the Test feed option will result in no data actually being imported.
  • Once you have confirmed the validity of the data, you can reupload the file with the Test feed option deactivated.
  • Select Save to finalize your upload.

You should now be able to see your recently uploaded branches in the Branches list.