Overview: Flow allows learning managers to manage learner objectives - using goals - so that they can work together to grow their team and build their career options.
Start from: The Flow Learning dashboard.
- Navigate to Learning & Development > Goals.
This screen displays a list of all goals. In this table, you will be able to see:
- Goal: The goal name.
- Status: Shows the specific status of the goal, which can be Complete, In progress, or Not started.
- Learner: The learner that has the specific goal assigned.
- Branch: The branch of the learner.
- Job Title: The specific job role for which this goal is created.
- Reviewer: Shows is there’s a reviewer assigned to the goal.
- Awaiting review: Shows if the goal is awaiting review.
- Linked to Appraisal: Shows if the goal is assigned to an appraisal. This field displays the specific name of the appraisal linked.
Filter goals
The Goals Management screen facilitates the process of locating existing goals with the Filter feature.
- Select Filter.
- Refine the parameters to find the goal or goals you are looking for. You can use the Awaiting review options, Learner Statuses, Goal Statuses, Branches, etc.
Edit goals
- Select the three dots button in the Goal’s row.
- Select Edit.
- The Goal settings screen will open. Here, you can add new tasks and objectives by selecting + Add Objective.
Delete goals
- Select the three dots button in the Goal’s row.
- Select Delete.
As a batch
- Check the boxes of the goal or goals you wish to delete.
- Select the three dots button at the top of the page.
- Select Delete Goals.