
Overview: Mapal One allows workers to view their assigned shifts and absences so that they can stay updated on their work schedule and time off.

Start from: The Mapal One dashboard.

  • Navigate to Shifts & Absences > Assigned.
  • The Assigned tab is located under the Next Up section on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • The Assigned section provides a comprehensive view of all assigned shifts and absences in independent event cards.
    • Upcoming Shifts: Displays details of the next scheduled shift, including:
      • Location
      • Time
      • Assigned roles
      • A countdown timer that helps employees prepare for their upcoming shift.
  • Upcoming Holidays: Showcases the next planned holiday, including:
    • Duration
    • Remaining days until the holiday begins

Shift Recording

The Shift Recording feature allows companies to confirm that employees have acknowledged and seen their assigned shifts. This is important for compliance or operational purposes, especially in regions where this is a legal requirement.

This feature works as follows:

  • A notification prompts users to confirm their assigned shifts.
  • Users are required to acknowledge shifts directly on the platform before navigating away from the page. To do this, they need to select the Confirm button. 

  • For companies with the feature enabled, shifts marked as Viewed are logged in the system, and managers can track which employees have confirmed their shifts.