
Overview: Tracking clocking is vital to address attendance issues in a timely manner. Personnel managers can check who has clocked in and out from two possible sources: GIR and the Workforce application.

From GIR

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Time & Attendance > Timesheets from the main menu.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Select the Work Center you wish to track clockings.

  • Select the arrow icon over the box of the week you wish to review.

  • In the Timesheets screen, you will be able to see the detail of each employee's clockings in the Work Center and the selected week.

From the Workforce App

Start from: Workforce App.

  • Tap the Workforce icon in the app to open the menu.

  • Select Staff on Duty from the main menu.

  • The application will display a list of all the centers to which the user has access, providing information on the current status of the centers. In this screen, the user will be able to see:

    • Number of shifts projected at that time (or at another time if set in the parameters)

    • Number of employees who are in the center according to the signing.

  • Use the floating navigation menu to facilitate the search for the center you wish to monitor. Here you can:

    • Open the parameters component.

    • Filter by a set of properties.

    • Group centers.

  • Select the specific center you wish to view to see the details of each of the employees who have a projected shift at that time, who are currently working, or both.

Notes: Users can change the "current time" in the parameters component.

  • You can add comments for a specific employee to be able to track any type of notes you feel you should add.

Notes: If a comment has been added for a specific employee, a red dot will be displayed on the employee's image. Comments can be accessed by clicking on the employee's name in the grid.