Overview: Establishing personnel costs is a crucial step in the overall Workforce configuration. Personnel costs accurately reflect all expenses related to the workforce, allowing for a more precise budget and financial planning.
Start from: The Workforce module.
Navigate to Configuration > Costs of Labour.
Select the By Date or By Unit tab to display the personnel costs according to your preference.
You will have two ways to establish personnel costs: One by one, or by importing an Excel template.
One by one
In the By Date tab, you will find different fields to fill in to complete the configuration.
Date: Sets the start date for the cost change of this category.
Category: Select the specific category to be configured.
Salary: Sets the net hourly wage for this category.
Social C.: Sets the social costs per hour for this category.
Variable: Sets the cost of variable hours for this category.
Excess Cost: Sets the cost of excess hours for this category.
Nightwork surcharge: Establishes the additional cost per hour for this category.
Holiday surcharges: Establishes the additional cost for holidays that each hour would have for this category.
Effective Hour: Sets the cost of the effective hour for this category.
Effective Fixed Hour: Establishes the cost of the effective fixed hour for this category.
Bonus %: Sets the bonus percentage for this category, if any.
Once the fields have been completed, select the work center(s) (Business Unit) to which you are going to apply the configuration.
Select Apply to save the new cost per category OR Delete to discard the changes.
Importing the Excel template
In the By Date or By Unit tab, select the Excel icon to download the import template.
The import template displays a series of fields to be filled in:
Unit ID: fill in the field with the center code.
ID Category: fill the field with the category code.
Date: Sets the start date for the cost change of this category.
Salary: Sets the net hourly wage for this category.
Social C.: Sets the social costs per hour for this category.
Variable: Sets the cost of variable hours for this category.
Excess Cost: Sets the cost of excess hours for this category.
Nightwork surcharge: Establishes the additional cost per hour for this category.
Holiday surcharges: Establishes the additional cost for holidays that each hour would have for this category.
Effective Hour: Sets the cost of the effective hour for this category.
Effective Fixed Hour: Establishes the cost of the effective fixed hour for this category.
Bonus %: Sets the bonus percentage for this category, if any.
Once the fields are completed, save the file in .XLS format.
Notes: Load the file with alphanumeric values only. The use of formulas may generate errors in the configuration.
Back in the Cost of Labour screen, select the Import button.
Select the file you have saved on your computer.
Select Import to load the file OR Cancel to discard it.