
Overview: Establishing personnel costs is a crucial step in the overall Workforce configuration. Personnel costs accurately reflect all expenses related to the workforce, allowing for a more precise budget and financial planning.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Navigate to Configuration > Costs of Labour.

  • Select the By Date or By Unit tab to display the personnel costs according to your preference.

You will have two ways to establish personnel costs: One by one, or by importing an Excel template.

One by one

  • In the By Date tab, you will find different fields to fill in to complete the configuration.

    • Date: Sets the start date for the cost change of this category.

    • Category: Select the specific category to be configured.

    • Salary: Sets the net hourly wage for this category.

    • Social C.: Sets the social costs per hour for this category.

    • Variable: Sets the cost of variable hours for this category.

    • Excess Cost: Sets the cost of excess hours for this category.

    • Nightwork surcharge: Establishes the additional cost per hour for this category.

    • Holiday surcharges: Establishes the additional cost for holidays that each hour would have for this category.

    • Effective Hour: Sets the cost of the effective hour for this category.

    • Effective Fixed Hour: Establishes the cost of the effective fixed hour for this category.

    • Bonus %: Sets the bonus percentage for this category, if any.

  • Once the fields have been completed, select the work center(s) (Business Unit) to which you are going to apply the configuration.

  • Select Apply to save the new cost per category OR Delete to discard the changes.

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Importing the Excel template

  • In the By Date or By Unit tab, select the Excel icon to download the import template.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • The import template displays a series of fields to be filled in:

    • Unit ID: fill in the field with the center code.

    • ID Category: fill the field with the category code.

    • Date: Sets the start date for the cost change of this category.

    • Salary: Sets the net hourly wage for this category.

    • Social C.: Sets the social costs per hour for this category.

    • Variable: Sets the cost of variable hours for this category.

    • Excess Cost: Sets the cost of excess hours for this category.

    • Nightwork surcharge: Establishes the additional cost per hour for this category.

    • Holiday surcharges: Establishes the additional cost for holidays that each hour would have for this category.

    • Effective Hour: Sets the cost of the effective hour for this category.

    • Effective Fixed Hour: Establishes the cost of the effective fixed hour for this category.

    • Bonus %: Sets the bonus percentage for this category, if any.

  • Once the fields are completed, save the file in .XLS format.

Notes: Load the file with alphanumeric values only. The use of formulas may generate errors in the configuration. 

  • Back in the Cost of Labour screen, select the Import button.

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  • Select the file you have saved on your computer.

  • Select Import to load the file OR Cancel to discard it.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente