Overview: Workforce allows you to configure the annual holiday calendar, respecting the national, regional, and local character of each of the selected days. The configuration of the holiday calendar must be done in different layers and a particular order.
Start from: The Workforce module.
The creation of a holiday calendar follows a specific order that must be carried out step by step:
Record annual national holidays
Navigate to Configuration > Bank Holidays.
Select the By Region configuration tab, which is the option from which the holidays will be defined and subsequently inherited by each work center located in a specific location.
Select the drop-down in the Year field and choose the year for which you want to set the holidays.
Choose the Country you need.
Once you have selected the year and country, you can select the calendar to define the national holidays for the selected year.
Record annual regional holidays
Once the annual national holidays are defined, choose the Community you need.
Select in the calendar the days that will be holidays at the autonomous region level.
![Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja](/api/data/v9.0/msdyn_knowledgearticleimages(0744d2ef-ffdf-ee11-904c-000d3a2222c6)/msdyn_blobfile/$value)
Record annual local (and provincial if applicable) holidays
Once you have defined the national and regional holidays, indicate the Province you want to work on.
Once you have chosen the province, select the Town to which you are going to link the last type of holidays, the local holidays.
Once these steps have been completed, you will have finished defining the holiday calendar, even down to the local level. From now on you can define new national, regional, and local calendars.
To verify the correct configuration, select the By Unit configuration tab. Note that, when selecting each of the centers, they have inherited all the holidays that have been defined, as long as the center is located in a country, autonomous community, province, and locality configured.
Notes: When you are creating a calendar from scratch, you can use the Copy Previous Year button to have the system copy last year's holidays over to the new year's calendar you are defining.