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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you can print out a purchase order to keep your records up to date. This guide takes you through the process. 

Start from: The Easilys menu. 

Print a purchase order before sending 

  • Select the Supplier orders > Supplier orders tabs. 

A screenshot of a chat<br><br>Description automatically generated 

  • Select the shopping cart you wish to send and print beforehand. 

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 

The order details appear on the screen. 

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 

  • Select the printer icon

  • Select the desired format (preferably .PDF). 

Print a purchase order after sending it 

If your order has already been dispatched, you cannot access the shopping cart via the Supplier orders page. 

In this case, you can print an order form sent via the Track orders screen. 

  • Select the Supplier orders >Track orders tabs. 

A screenshot of a chat<br><br>Description automatically generated 

  • Select the order you wish to print

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 
 The details of the purchase order are displayed on the screen. 

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 

  • Select the printer icon

  • Select the desired format (preferably .PDF). 

Notes: You can also mass-print orders that have not yet been dispatched.