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Overview: as a restaurant manager, you can use order models to streamline the creation of routine or recurring orders. This guide takes you through the process.

Start from: the Easilys menu.

An order model enables you to quickly generate an order cart. An order model is created from an order already sent.

This is a very useful time-saving feature when you have recurring orders that are globally always equivalent.

Once you've generated a shopping cart from a model, you can modify it as you would a normal shopping cart if you need to make a few minor adjustments.

Create an order model

  • Select Supplier orders>Track orders from the main menu.
  • Select an order that has already been sent.

The order details will appear on the screen.

  • Select Create a model.

The Create a new model from this order window will appear on screen.

  • Enter a name for the model and select Create.


Modifying an order model

  • Select Supplier orders > Supplier orders from the main menu.
  • Select the Models tab.

  • Select the model you wish to modify.

The Model details pop-up will appear on screen.

  • Select the red cross to delete a product.
  • Select + Products to add a product.
  • Modify the quantities as you wish.
  • Once you have made your changes, select Close.
  • Select the recycling bin icon to delete a model.

Delete an order model

  • Select Supplier orders > Supplier orders from the main menu.
  • Select the Models tab.
  • Select the red cross next to the model name to delete it.

A deletion confirmation window appears.

  • Select Remove to confirm deletion of the model.

Using an order model

  • Select Supplier orders > Supplier orders from the main menu.
  • Select the Models tab.
  • Select a model.

The Model details pop-up will appear on screen.

  • Select Generate order.

The Choose the generation parameters window will appear on screen.

  • Choose an appropriate delivery date.


  • Check Overwrite the other order in progress with this new order if you want this order to overwrite any other order cart from the same supplier being prepared on the same date.
  • Select Generate.

You'll then be redirected to the order cart.

Note: once the shopping cart has been generated from this model, you can modify it as required, either as a manually created shopping cart or one generated with Easilys support, from the Order Preparation screen.