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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you need to understand what a tag is and what it's used for, to improve categorisation and information retrieval.
Start from: The Easilys menu.
A tag is a label which, once created, can be pasted in various places in the application.
- Select the Sites > Administration of tags tabs for a preview of the different tag types available: “Sites”, “Recipe components”, “Packaging sites”, etc.
Each type of tag has its own purpose.
For example: a “Recipe” tag can be used to label a recipe to qualify it and link it to a group. The same label can then be affixed to an establishment/site, so that this establishment/site can ONLY see recipes bearing this label. It's a way of offering recipe catalogues.
The “Sites for stock transfer” tag type connects several establishments/sites so that they can transfer stock to each other. Establishments/sites with the same “Sites for stock transfer” tag can transfer stock to each other.