
Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to optimize smart selection rules using recipe categories and sub-categories to improve order accuracy. This guide takes you through the process.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

A recipe category, as its name suggests, allows you to categorize recipes, grouping them together in the same group. The recipe sub-category further refines this categorization.

The advantage of this categorization is, first of all, that you can filter your recipe list. Looking for a dessert recipe? Well, use the "Recipe category" filter, checking only the "DESSERT" category. You will then see only the recipes in this category.

There's a second, much more interesting interest! Recipe categories and sub-categories can be a criterion for applying a Smart Selection, Smart Grammage, Smart Packaging or Smart Catalogue rule.

To find out more about creating and modifying categories and sub-categories, see CREATING, MODIFYING OR DELETING A RECIPE CATEGORY OR SUB-CATEGORY.