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Overview: Sometimes you find that products are missing when you receive them. In this case, you can generate a credit note request, or mention that a re-delivery is expected if you have made prior arrangements with the supplier. This article explains how to proceed.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

  • Select Supplier orders > Receiving.
  • Select the delivery note in which you wish to indicate that a redelivery is expected.
  • Indicate in the "Delivery note" box the quantity that the deliveryman was able to bring.

Easilys recognizes a difference between the quantity ordered and the quantity delivered. It allows you to check the "Re-delivery of missing quantity" box available in the product's "Information" file.

  • Remember to select Save now.
  • Complete your reception and confirm.
  • After validation, Easilys generates a new delivery noteshowing the products for which you have requested redelivery.
  • Manage this new delivery note on the day of redelivery, just like a normal delivery note.

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, nombre, Police<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

You can change the delivery date before validating the receipt, by going to the “Information” tab of the receipt. You can change the delivery date by selecting the date in the "Delivered on" line.

Remember to select Save now, once the change has been made.

You can also change the delivery date when you validate the delivery note.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, Police<br><br>Description générée automatiquement