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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to draw up your call for tender in such a way that it meets all the specific needs of your establishment. This guide will walk you through the process.
Start from: The Easilys menu.
Before composing your tender, it must be created. To find out more, consult the article Creating a call for tenders.
By default, a first BATCH1 is available, as a lot must exist to compose your call for tenders. However, you can modify it by selecting it. You can then create as many lots as you like to organise your tender.
You must create at least one product batch to be able to add products to the call for tenders from the Products tab. Each product must be attached to a batch.
- Select the Calls for tenders tab.
- Select the tender concerned, then go to the "Batches" tab.
- Select + Create.
A Create a batch sheet appears on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Fill in the requested information. Those followed by * are mandatory.
- Select Save to validate batch creation.
The new batch is displayed in the list of tender batches.
- You can also select Duplicate to add a batch to your tender.
This will enable you to duplicate a batch that is present in another call for tenders. You will then add the batch and its related products to the call for tenders.
Perfect for saving time if you want to carry out the same call for tenders from one year to the next, for example.
You won't be able to add a product to the call for tender if you haven't first created at least one product batch in the Batches tab. Each product must be attached to a batch.
- Select the "Products" tab in the relevant tender.
- Select + Add.
An Add a product form appears on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Fill in the requested information. Those followed by * are mandatory.
We advise you to compose your call for tenders by selecting one of the options, enabling Easilys to add products already present in its database.
You can also generate your call for tenders from the price lists already available on Easilys. It's a huge time-saver! Simply check the product list and make any necessary changes.
You can set the permissions and expected responses for all products which will be added if you choose to add products by range, product family or existing price list. You can also set up your calls for tender from the purchasing generics.
To do this, you must answer No to the question "Resume the configuration of the responses expected since the previous call for tenders?".
If there are exceptions, you can then modify the desired product files one by one to adjust the settings.
- Select Save to validate the addition of the product to the call for tenders.
The added product appears in the list of tender products.
- Select the "Suppliers" tab in the calls for tenders page.
- Select + Add.
- Select the search bar.
The list of suppliers available on the site is displayed.
- Select the suppliers you wish to add, then select Add.
- Once your call for tenders has been created and composed, simply select Publish available in the General tab.
The suppliers concerned will receive an e-mail notification inviting them to consult your invitation to tender on the Supplier Portal.