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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you'd like to modify a proposal for a claim or credit note in a delivery note, to optimise the handling of discrepancies or problems with orders received. This guide will walk you through the process.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

It is possible to modify claims and credit note requests sent to suppliers from a delivery note, in order to correct them or simply to add more detailed information.

Easilys can recognise certain situations that would require a claim or credit request, and therefore generates them automatically.

These situations are identified in Easilys by the acronym NC, for Non-Compliance criteria.

Other situations require manual action on the part of the user.

In both cases, automatic creation by Easilys, or manual creation by you, you can modify them before validating the receipt.


In a delivery note (Supplier orders > Reception tabs), you can quickly see if there is a claim or credit note request concerning a supplier product, thanks to the NC button visible to the left of each product name.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, diagramme<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

Green NC pictogram: There are no claims or credit requests related to the supplier product.

Yellow NC pictogram: There is a claim linked to the supplier's product.

Red NC pictogram: There is a claim that gives rise to a credit request linked to the supplier's product.


  • Select the Supplier orders > Reception.
  • Select the non-validated reception in which you wish to modify claims and/or credit note requests.
  • Select NC visible to the left of the name of the supplier product subject to a credit request.

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Page web, Icône d’ordinateur<br><br>Description générée automatiquement


  • Supplier product details are displayed. It opens in the "Claims/Credit notes" tab.
  • Make the desired changes and select Save now when finished.

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, nombre, Police<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

If your reception is already validated, and you still want to modify a claim or credit request AND you have not set up automatic sending of claims and credit requests on the supplier sheet, you can reopen the reception to modify it. For more information, see the article Reopen a completed reception.

You can also delete a claim and/or credit request. To find out more, see the article Delete a credit note request in a receipt.