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Overview: As the administrator of the recipe database for a site managing its finished product inventory on Easilys, you wish to indicate that several of your recipe cards are to be considered as finished products that can be stored, so that you can enter them into inventory without having to modify the recipes one by one. It is possible to check up to 200 recipes to make them storable (as finished products) from the recipe administration .

Start from: The Easilys menu.

  • Select Recipes in the main menu > Recipe management.

Note: For mass processing, you have the option of filtering to the left, on all recipes available to you.

For example, check Desserts in the meal elements filter, then Cooked fruit desserts in Nutritional families. The corresponding selection is then displayed in the central screen.

  • Click in the box next to the Recipes title.
  • Select Actions.

A new menu appears.

  • Select Storage of finished products.
  • A confirmation window asks you to confirm this operation.

Once the choice has been confirmed, the number of recipes selected and made available for storage is displayed temporarily in the top right-hand corner.
These receipts are now considered as finished products.