
Note: each action performed on the application is subject to a fee. If you are unable to carry out the recommended actions in the articles you are viewing, this may mean that the necessary rights have not been activated for your user profile. Contact the Support team, or your administrator, to find out more.

Overview: A user attached to a supplier's equipment record can access work orders linked to that same supplier. This will enable him to add his quotation, add comments, etc. This feature is designed to enable maintainers to track their actions directly via Easilys.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

  • Select Equipment items > Suppliers.
  • Select the supplier file to which you wish to attach user accounts.

The details of the supplier record are displayed on the screen.

  • Select + User in the "Easilys Equipements Users" section.
  • Select the user account to be attached to the supplier record.

For user accounts to be visible here, you must first create them.

To find out more, see Creating a user account on a site.

Une image contenant texte, ligne, logiciel, Tracé<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

The "Link user to supplier" window appears on the screen.

  • Select Associate.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Page web<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

It is imperative that maintainers' user accounts are linked to a specific profile for maintainers, or they will have access to all your data on Easilys!