Overview: the challenge leaderboard function is a great way to drive motivation amongst learners, enabling them to compete with peers and adding a game element to their learning path.

Start from: the Flow Learning dashboard.
  • Select Learning & Development > L&D Settings from the main menu.
  • Select the cog icon on the Configure leaderboards tile.
  • Select the Challenges tab.
  • Select from existing challenges. Note: challenges can exist on a global or a company level.
  • Add a company level challenge from this list.

Edit a challenge

  • Taking one of the challenges from the list, select Edit from the three dot menu.
  • Use the Custom name field to assign an alternative to the default name. This will be particularly helpful if there are multiple of the same Challenge.
  • Select From and To dates to specify how long the challenge should be active. 
  • Assign a brand in Select Brand(s), or just leave this blank to make the content accessible across all brands. 

Archive a challenge

  • Choose any of the challenges from the list, and select Archive from the three dot menu.
  • Select confirm on the pop-up, if you are sure you want to archive the challenge.


View existing challenges

  • Select Learning & Development > Leaderboards from the main menu, and then choose the Challenges tab.
    • From this view use the filter control to filter learners by Status, Region, Area, Branch, Job Title and more.


  • You can also view challenges from Company > Learners > View Learner and select the Challenges tab.


Export challenges

  • From an existing challenge. select Export on the top right. 
  • The Export results panel will appear, from here select Csv Export.