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Overview: As a restaurant manager, you want to manage different periods and ensure that Easys adapts to the vagaries of the calendar to maintain operational flexibility. This guide takes you through the process.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

Periods allow certain items in Easilys to be adapted to these periods.

For example, different take rates can be set for the same menu template, depending on the period selected.

So, if you offer two inputs, in your period A you'll set a Proposal rate of 50% for input 1 and a Proposal rate of 50% for input 2. In your period B, the catch rates will be 25% and 75%. It's not necessary to create two different menu templates to manage your two periods.


  • Select the Sites > Calendars tabs.
  • Select + Create.

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Icône d’ordinateur, Système d’exploitation<br><br>Description générée automatiquement


A blank “Calendar sheet” appears on the right-hand side of the View.

  • Fill in the requested information. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

If you don't have any period types available, you can create them by selecting the small cogwheel. A period type matches, as it were, to a storage categorization for your periods. 

Example: The SHORT HOLIDAYS period type allows you to link all the periods defined to manage short school holidays throughout the territory. We can then link all vacation periods for each school zone to this type of period. 

  • Add a location tag if you wish the period to be used only by sites bearing the same location tag. Location tags can be created from the TAGS screen (SITES section).
  • Select Save to finalise period creation.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Icône d’ordinateur<br><br>Description générée automatiquement


Once your periods have been created and attached to period types, you can go to the administration screens that can use the notion of period types. By entering a period type, the associated periods will be applied (respecting, of course, the location tags associated with the sites).

At present, period types can be used on:

- The “Menu template” screen (Menus > Menu template tabs)

- The “Tours” screen (Shipment > Tours tabs)


  • Select an existing period. 

The “Period sheet” appears on the right of the screen.

  • Select Modify to change the period.
  • Select the trash can icon to permanently delete the period.

Modifications or deletions can only be made from the site where the period was created.