
Overview: Workforce allows you to manage shift forecasting based on sales using the shift planner, so you can adjust staffing levels and ensure optimal service delivery. 

Start from: The Workforce module.  

  • Select Scheduling > NEW Scheduler MVP from the main menu.  

  • Parameterize the scheduler to be able to access the main grid. 

To make the parameterization, see Access the scheduler.  

  • Select the Scheduling Forecast button. 

Notes: This access will be controlled by configurable user rights in Analytics > Configuration > Budgets. Here, the View user right must be activated for the Scheduling Forecast budget. 


  • Once in the Scheduling Forecast screen, you will find a list with three available views: 

  • By type of sale

Notes: If you select the By type of sale view, you will be able to modify the cell values. 

  • By sales type group


  • By date 


Access to sales budget editing 


Once inside, you will find access to the Sales Budget modal. In the first tab, the Budget and Data Source fields are locked with the Scheduling Forecast and POS options, respectively. This is because, when accessing the budget modal from the shifts, the tool only affects the Scheduling Forecast budget, and the data source will always be the one obtained through the POS. 

How to modify the values of a budget?  

The budget editing tool is divided into five sections: 

Budget Scope 

In this section, you will choose the business unit for which you want to modify the budget, the date range, and the type(s) of sales you want to modify. 


Reference Data 


In this section, you can select the data on which you base your budget modification. 

In the Reference Business Unit, you can choose the same center or select another one to which you have access. 


In the Reference Source, choose historical data accompanied by the date or budget. 



Projection Method and Assumptions 


In this section, you can select the modification among several projection methods, such as: 

  • Sales 
  • Checks and average check 
  • Guests and average guest check 
  • Trend 

Here you can modify the records in percentage, add a value to the existing one or define a new one. This modification can be applied in the same way for all days of the week or set up a customized one for each day. 



Distribution by sales type 


In the distribution section, you can base it on reference data or not. In both cases, it will be mandatory to define the grid with values for such distribution. The sum of the different amounts must always be 100%. As long as this percentage is not met, the screen will display an alert and will not allow you to continue with the process. 


If you want to see the distribution values reflected in the grid obtained from the reference source marked in the Reference Data tab; you can modify the dates and click on the Reload button: 



Distribution by Time Slots 


As in the reference data section, here you will find a combo where you can select the reference data of the same or a specific center. In the Reference Date section, you will again find the same options: Same weekday in previous week, Same date in previous year, Comparable day in previous year. 

By selecting Same weekday in previous week in this section, the combo becomes a multiple selection of up to 5 weeks: 


Finally, you will find a drop-down menu Distribution % of Reference where you will select how to distribute the sale in terms of fifteen-minute slots with the following options:  

  • Same type of sale 

  • Same sales group  

  • Total 

Notes: Each center can configure its opening hours to the public, which means that there may be times when some centers may have sales recorded according to their opening hours to the public. In this case, you control it by activating or deactivating the Limiting projection during Public Opening Hours.  


Once the configuration is complete, press Accept to save the settings OR Cancel to discard them.  

You will now be able to see the forecast configured in the Scheduling Forecast screen.