
Overview: Flow Learning allows training managers to issue refresher learning manually so that they can deal with edge cases where automatic refreshers aren't appropriate.

Start from: The Flow Learning dashboard.

  • Navigate to Learning & Development > L&D Settings > Issue refresher learning.

  • Select Get candidates.

  • A new Get Candidates for Refresher Learning will open. Here, follow these steps: 

    • Activate the Show Filters toggle switch if you want to use the filters and filter down to specific areas.

    • Activate the Use today's date for due date calculation if you want to automatically use today's date.

    • Activate All rules toggle switch if you want to select all rules in the list.

    • Select Get Candidates - the popup will close and you'll see all candidates that meet the criteria. 

  • Back in the Issue refresher learning screen, select the three dots (...) menu and press Issue Refresher Learning.

  • Confirm with OK, and the training will be issued to all candidates on the list.

Notes: The new refresher rule will start working from the day it was added.