Overview: Flow Learning allows training managers to issue refresher learning manually so that they can deal with edge cases where automatic refreshers aren't appropriate.
Start from: The Flow Learning dashboard.
Navigate to Learning & Development > L&D Settings > Issue refresher learning.
Select Get candidates.
A new Get Candidates for Refresher Learning will open. Here, follow these steps:
Activate the Show Filters toggle switch if you want to use the filters and filter down to specific areas.
Activate the Use today's date for due date calculation if you want to automatically use today's date.
Activate All rules toggle switch if you want to select all rules in the list.
Select Get Candidates - the popup will close and you'll see all candidates that meet the criteria.
Back in the Issue refresher learning screen, select the three dots (...) menu and press Issue Refresher Learning.
Confirm with OK, and the training will be issued to all candidates on the list.
Notes: The new refresher rule will start working from the day it was added.