
Overview: There are many different productivity tools to make use of within Workforce. Use this article to understand the different menu items and tools to help you to find your way around the system.

Start from: The Workforce Dashboard.

The main menu displays all the different productivity tools you can use within Workforce.

This overview will introduce you to each item in the main menu, where each section is located and a give you an understanding of the types of tools and data you can expect to find in each section.

Workforce Management

You can manage all employee data from within this section. From employee contract management to creating new employees. You have the ability to view and edit employee records, assign employees to different units, and also create and edit different types of proposals for review. From within this tab, you can also manage holiday requests, absences, leavers, and other absenteeism incidents with options to review, accept, reject, or amend each request. 


This is where you can create and manage your rotas for each week. You can create draft rotas and save different templates to use, to avoid having to start over each time. When a rota is finalised, it can be reviewed and signed off. If you are happy with a particular rota, it can be locked so that the data cannot be changed without permission. You can search for different shifts on the system, filtering by shift time or workstation, to quickly determine what shifts will be required each week. 

Time and Attendance

This section focuses on attendance management and the information needed for employees to be paid correctly. You can schedule alerts, manage and adjust timesheets, and view a live feed of who is currently signed in and working. You can oversee and edit clock-in information on the employee app, manage alerts, and complete, save, and lock each day’s information. You can also review all timesheets easily in a list at the end of the week. 

Hours Budget

You can budget hours in advance on the system which makes it easier to create your rotas and control the number of hours employees are required for. Plan out effective hours by filtering like-for-like information from previous years to give you a clear indication of the rota planning requirements. When someone is hired, view their contracted hours and how many hours they have left for each week, this helps keep all hours on the rota within a budget. 


This section takes you to a list of different data reports on the Workforce system that will help you to locate the data you need. Select from a list of reports based on absences, holidays, budgets, labour compliance, payroll, schedules, time & attendance, or workforce, and download the report you need to your desktop.


This is where you can find all the settings and configuration tabs for each tool and view all the configured data currently held in the system. Selecting each configuration tab will take you to an overview of that tab’s contents, you can see the configuration status and from here you can edit or filter the data you need.