
Overview: Forms in Compliance are checklists that can be opened and answered by users at any time. All forms can be sorted by date, score and status for reporting. Users can only access forms that they have permission for, which are usually relevant to their role. This article explains how to fill out a form. This is done via the web or, in this case, the app.

Start from: The Daily Schedule.

Locate a form

  • Select  >  to open the Forms page from the main menu.
  • Select Filter  and choose an option to filter the forms. 
  • Select Search  to search the forms with specified text.
  • Select the required Folder from the Folders list. 
  • Select the required Form from the Forms list. 



Fill out a form

  • Select to open the menu.
  • Select Start New  and select a task to create a new instance. 
  • Answer the questions in the task. 

You can add supporting information to each question when answering it.

  • Select  to add a comment in the Write here field, then select  to save it in the Task Feed.
  • Select  and choose a file to upload and select  to save it to the Task Feed.
  • Select  to take a photo and save it to the Task Feed.
  • Select  to view further task details including Description, Attachments, Answer History and Change Log.
  • Select  to add an action. Fill in the fields and select Save to record actions associated with this task in the Meeting agenda.

Note: depending on the task settings, this option may not be available. 

  • Select Complete once you have answered all questions and any uploaded materials have been attached, the task will close automatically and return you to the Form screen.


Complete a form

Comments and changes to the form will update the Task Feed immediately. When Complete has been selected, the form will be registered as complete on the system.