Overview: Workbooks allow you to gather different types of content all in one place and use as a learning record for a learner to work through and complete.
Note: Some companies choose to rename 'workbooks' to something that works better for their company. If workbooks is part of your package and you are having trouble locating it on your system, please get in touch with us.
Start from: The Flow Learning Dashboard.
- Select Learning & Development > L&D Settings from the main menu.
- Find Workbooks on the Configure screen.
- Select View
to open the Workbooks page.
- Select Add
to start creating a new workbook.
Workbook settings
The Add Workbook Template page will open in Step 1: Template Set–Up.
- Enter the title of your workbook in the Workbook name field.
- Use the Select from existing template dropdown to select a pre-existing template to modify. Note: This is optional. You can leave this field blank to start a fresh workbook.
- Select Upload Guidance Document
to upload a document and add guidelines for your workbook. Once added the document name and size will appear in bold with an option to delete. Max file size: 1MB. Supported file extensions: pdf, csv, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, rtf, png, jpg, jpeg.
- Select Upload Thumbnail
to upload an image for your workbook. This image will appear in Mapal One to represent this workbook for learners. You will be prompted to choose an image from your files, then use the tools to crop or zoom in or out of the image. A preview will appear when an item is successfully uploaded. Max file size: 2MB. Supported file extensions: png, jpg, jpeg.
Sign off settings
The sign off settings let you control when the reviewer can mark the workbook as complete.
- Select the Sign off settings dropdown to choose an option for handling workbooks sign off:
- No sign off required: Both reviewer and learner can view, work through, and complete the workbook without the other person’s sign off.
- Learner sign off required: The trainee must sign off their workbook before the reviewer can mark it as complete.
- Learner and Training Manager sign off required: Both the trainee and the reviewer must sign off the workbook before the reviewer can mark it as complete.
Save settings
When you have finished creating Step 1 of your workbook:
- Select Save & Close to save your changes. A pop up will check if you are sure you want to save.
Note: The Workbook name and Sign off settings must be set before the workbook can be saved. If you leave the form at any stage without selecting Save, any changes you have made will be lost.
- Select Show Preview to review your edits. A Mapal One preview tab will open showing the workbook as a learner would view it. You must be signed in to the Mapal One learners portal in order to see the preview.
Once you have completed the Step 1 - Template Set-Up page you can move to Step 2 - Categories. See Understanding workbook categories to find out more about how to complete the next section of your workbook.