
Overview: Once competences have been completed by the learner, they should be marked off as complete by a manager and a rating given as an assessment of how well the learner carried out the competency.

Start from: The Flow Dashboard.

  • Select Company > Learners to view a list of all learners in the company.


  • Scroll down the list OR select    to open the search bar and enter the name of your learner OR select    to open a list of options you can filter by. Note: A red dot    tells you that a filter is applied.
  • Select   ,    or    beside the column title to order the learners list by Name, Branch, Job Title or Employee Start Date.
  • Select the learner you want to mark off the competency for and open their learner profile. 

Note: If the learner has already rated their competency, you will be able to see from their competency profile what rating the learner gave themselves. Once you have added in a rating, you will also be able to see the overall average rating from within this list.

  • Select the Competences tab from the menu.
  • Select    next to the relevant competency.
  • Select Edit    to open the edit window.

  • Enter OR edit the Due date if required. Note: Due dates are optional.
  • Use the Rating dropdown to select the appropriate rating for the learner. 

Note: The Company Rating Scale has to be set up first to use this dropdown. See Use the Company Rating Scale to find out more about this functionality and how it affects your competency ratings. If you are unsure if your company has the Company Rating Scale enabled and you are having trouble locating it on your system, please get in touch with us.

  • Enter an Achieved date to mark when the competency was completed. Note: An achieved date can't be entered until both learner and manager ratings have been submitted.
  • Enter a Description in the text box provided. Note: This is optional. Use this space to write a brief explanation of what the learner will be able to do once they have completed the competence.
  • Select Upload Supporting document    to upload any relevant document (e.g., certificate). Supported file extensions: pdf, doc, docx, png, jpg, jpeg, img, csv, xls, xlsx, pptx, mp4. Max file size 100MB. Note: Supporting documents are optional.
  • Select Save to confirm OR select Close to leave without making a change.

Once saved, a notification will confirm that your competency is successfully marked as complete. The completion date is now visible on the competence list and you will be able to see what rating the learner gave themselves as well as the overall average rating.


Mark and rate competences as a batch

To update several competences at once, take the following steps:

  • Select the records you need using the checkboxes to the left of the Competence names.
  • Use the three dots menu to reveal the batch options.
  • Mark as complete will bring up a window where you will be asked to confirm that you want to complete the selected competencies.
    • Select the Mark as complete button to complete the action.
  • Rate competences reveals a window where you can rate all the selected competences at once.
    • Use the dropdown menu to select the rating to use.
    • Select the Rate button to complete the action.


Learner ratings

When the competency is assigned to the learner, they will receive a notification email to log into the Mapal One learner’s portal to access it. In order for them to submit a rating they have to find the correct competency and open it. 

If the Allow learner to rate themselves toggle was activated when the competence was created, the learner can select a star rating to rate themselves based on how well they feel they completed the competence.

If the Allow learner upload? toggle was activated when the competence was created, the learner has the ability to upload files. This could be a video link to a recording of them completing the competence, or a step-by-step document showing how they achieved the competence.

Details of this completed competency will appear in reports and other functionalities associated with learning progress and completion.