
Overview: The role of a Training Manager on the Flow Learning Platform is to oversee and manage the learners, monitoring progress and making sure that the company's training requirements are being met. Training managers can be added to the system with a series of permission choices depending on how much access you require your manager to have.

Note: All permissions might not apply to your Flow platform. Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more about the different functionalities available on the Flow platform.

Adding training manager permissions through Mapal OS

For users on Mapal OS, your permissions should now be managed as user profiles on the Mapal OS dashboard.

View our detailed guide at Sync permissions in Mapal OS and Flow Learning.

Note: if you're not sure whether you are on Mapal OS, contact your customer success manager.

Managing account managers on Mapal OS

Account managers are granted the highest access tier on Mapal OS, and cannot be set up manually. 

If you need to set up a user with account manager permissions, just get in touch with your customer success manager. 

Adding training manager permissions through the Flow MS

Start from: The Flow Dashboard.

  • Select Company > Managers.
  • Select Add.

  • Enter the Training Manager's details in the first name, last name and email fields. Note: These 3 fields are mandatory.

  • Select Manager is active?: allows the manager to actively log into Flow.
  • Select the Permission profile from the dropdown menu. Note: You can set different permission profiles to select in this dropdown, through Company > User settings > Permission profile management.
  • Select a pre-set permission profile OR select Custom.


Using the toggles, switch each one on or off depending on the permissions you wish the training manager to have:

  • Can maintain company information?: can configure the platform.
  • Can maintain managers?: can edit current training manager permissions.
  • Can maintain branch settings?: can edit individual branch settings e.g., reporting levels, address etc.
  • Can maintain learners?: can add/remove learners and edit their profiles.
  • Can view personal information?: can view details such as email address etc. if they are provided.
  • Can void allocations?: can remove modules from learner profiles.
  • Can create/maintain appraisals?: can assign appraisals to learners and complete appraisals which are assigned to them as well as unassigned appraisals.
  • Can maintain all company appraisals?: can view all appraisals including those assigned to others.
  • Can maintain all appraisal forms?: can create appraisal forms in the back end of the system.
  • Can create/maintain workbooks?: can assign workbooks to learners and complete workbooks which are assigned to them as well as unassigned workbooks.
  • Can maintain all company workbooks?: can view all workbooks including those assigned to others.
  • Can maintain all workbook forms?: can create workbook forms in the back end of the system.
  • Can maintain competences?: can assign and complete competences for your learners.
  • Can maintain external training?: can assign and complete/sign off external training for your learners.
  • Can maintain noticeboard?: can assign noticeboard items on Flow.
  • Can maintain hosted SCORM modules?: can add, edit and delete SCORM (external) modules on the platform.
  • Can assign learning?: can use the assign learning tool to send learning to your employees.
  • Can edit assigned learning due dates?: can change these on a learner’s profile.

  • Can view assigned learning?: can view the courses/learning that has been assigned.
  • Can maintain module downloads/custom questions?: you can add bespoke downloads and bespoke questions into your Flow modules (can be done at a branch level).
  • Can access module builder?: can view and access the module builder tab as well as edit modules.
  • Is a module builder superuser?: more permissions under the module builder tool.
  • Can access learning calendar?: can view the training calendar and add sessions for your own company.
  • Is a learning calendar superuser?: can view the training calendar and add sessions for multiple companies.
  • Can maintain goals documents?: can assign and complete goals for your learners.
  • Can maintain goals templates?: can create goals templates in the back end of the system.
  • Can maintain news for learners?: can send news items to employees.
  • Can maintain news for managers?: can send news items to training managers.
  • Can create/maintain a career map?: can build career maps on the system.
  • Can maintain Knowledge Checks forms?: can add/edit knowledge check templates.
  • Can create/maintain Knowledge Checks?: can view Knowledge Checks MGMT page, can view Knowledge Checks list and bulk assign to reviewers, can access and add Knowledge Checks for learners, can assign knowledge checks in assign learning and through learner's profile.
  • Can create Challenge Leaderboards: Can create Challenge Leaderboards using the uploaded Challenge modules.
  • Can maintain all Collection forms: Can add/edit Collection template forms.
  • Can view/assign collections: Can view collections MGMT page, Can view collections list, Can access and add collections for learners, Can assign collections in Assign learning and through learner's profile.
  • Can maintain External Links: can add/edit external links.

Sections, divisions, regions, areas, branches and departments

  • Select All, to give the new training manager access to everything.
  • Select Particular to give the new training manager access to particular sections, divisions, regions, areas, branches, or departments.

Save your settings

  • Select Save, to confirm and add the new training manager. You will see the new manager will be added to the training manager list.